About Us

Image of blogger, woman with short brown hair
Myself pictured- Siobhán Perrick

An Introduction to Myself & The Blog

Hi there! My name is Siobhán and I’m the creator and admin of this skincare blog. I started this blog because from a young age I was always passionate about skincare. When I was a teenager (much like many other teenagers) I struggled with problem skin. My skin caused me a lot of insecurity. All I wanted was to find the solution to give me clear, healthy and glowy skin. However, I found that information wasn’t readily available or accessible to me. When I did eventually figure out my skin type and curated a routine specific to my needs, my confidence sky rocketed. I started this blog with the hope of providing fun, accessible and easy information about all types of skin so that you too can feel happy and confident in your own skin!

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